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4 Landlord Tips to Become More Hands-Free

4 Landlord Tips to Become More Hands-Free

With more than 11 million landlords in the U.S., plenty of people are looking to reduce landlord stress and make the process of managing properties run more smoothly. Solid landlord tips can get you higher profits and fewer frustrations, especially in San Mateo, CA.

There are several tips for landlords to make life easier, including good organization skills and electronic rent collection. Also, be sure tenants have rental insurance. 

Here are four landlord tips to make you a more successful landlord.  

1. Good Organizational Skills

Start each day with a 'to do' list of things you must accomplish. Write down anything you must tackle before the end of the day, complete with the necessary phone numbers or emails. Keep a running tab of follow-ups that you must make.

Get filing cabinets, desks, and workstations in order at your home office. Be sure your home office has the necessary supplies. You should be able to access paperwork easily. 

A highly organized space in San Mateo, CA, reduces landlord stress. You will be able to get more things done in a day and spend less time looking for something. 

2. Electronic Rent Collection

Many fear becoming a landlord means you'll have to bug tenants monthly for rent collection. Fear no more! Set up electronic rent collection with a bank or app so tenants can pay you automatically each month. 

Electronic rent collection helps all types of landlords avoid going door-to-door to collect money. It saves you time and aggravation. 

3. Renters Insurance

In many areas, it's the law to have renters insurance, but many renters don't have the necessary information. Be sure to inform tenants that they must carry renters insurance on their property. If there's a fire or disaster, it protects them and helps them recoup any losses.

When becoming a landlord in San Mateo, CA, inform tenants renters' insurance is family inexpensive. They should ask their auto insurance company if they can bundle a policy. Some insurance companies sell solo renters' policies, too. 

4. Hire a Property Manager

For people investing in multiple properties, it's best to have a property manager oversee tenants and hire plumbers, electricians, and other contractors when something breaks. A property manager in San Mateo, CA, works with all types of landlords to find out their needs, whether finding tenants or marketing properties. 

Outsourcing a management company means you'll have more time for other business opportunities or to spend time with your family. You'll see the benefits and maximize your profits for just a small fee. 

Four of the Best Landlord Tips 

Four of the best landlord tips for a more stress-free business model include good organizational skills and using electronic rent collection. It's also essential to inform tenants about carrying rental insurance. Hiring a property management company can also help, especially if you invest in multiple properties. 

Are you ready to take your landlord skills to the next level? Let us help! Call us today so we can help you with property management and learn how to become a better landlord in San Mateo, CA.  

