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This Is How to Be a Good Landlord in California

This Is How to Be a Good Landlord in California

Though the large majority of tenants are indeed satisfied with their landlords and renting situations, there is still a good chunk of them who aren't. So, as a property owner yourself, you might be wondering how to be a good landlord.

Fortunately, you've come to the right place. Below, we're going to provide you with a range of landlord tips, helping you to be an excellent landlord in California and beyond. Without further ado, here's how to be a good California landlord.

Welcome Tenants With Open Arms

The first component of being a good landlord is welcoming the tenant with open arms. This will start the relationship off on the right foot and will set the tone for the duration of the time that your tenant spends in your property.

Now, how do you do this? Start by writing a welcome letter or email thanking the tenant for choosing your property. Let them know that you're there to assist them and provide instructions on how to use different portions of the apartment.

Also, consider stocking the bathrooms with toilet paper and soap. Maybe even consider providing a welcome basket filled with household goodies.

In essence, do what you can to make the tenant feel welcomed and accepted. If you treat the tenant with respect, they're more likely to treat you with respect in return.

Tend to Repair Calls Quickly

One of the responsibilities of becoming a landlord is tending to damaged or impaired appliances throughout the property. For instance, if a drain becomes clogged, you're responsible for unclogging it. If the water heater stops working, you must figure out a way to fix it.

The tenant relies on these entities to get through everyday life and is reliant on you to keep them operational. So, to be fair to the tenant, you must tend to their repair calls in a timely fashion.

Respond quickly, keep your lines of communication open, and do what you can to get the problem fixed as soon as possible.

Offer Online Services

Our last piece of advice is to offer online services. This not only simplifies the life of the tenant but your job as well.

An online portal can be used to manage repair requests, accept payments, post notices, and more. It enables 24/7 communication and makes for a seamless experience for the tenant.

While you could pay for these services yourself, you might find a better investment in hiring a property management company. They offer a variety of services in addition to online services.

And That's How to Be a Good Landlord in San Mateo, CA

And with that, we've shown you how to be a good landlord. Treat your tenants as you would like to be treated, tend to repairs in a timely manner, and keep lines of communication open. Do this and you should be able to maintain a good tenant-landlord relationship.

Need help doing these things? If so, and if you're in the San Mateo, California area, we here at Five Star Property Management are the people to see. We provide a full suite of property management services and will ensure that your properties are run in as effective a manner as possible.

Contact us today to discuss your property management needs!
