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How to Pick a Tenant Screening Service: Everything You Need to Know

How to Pick a Tenant Screening Service: Everything You Need to Know

American landlords evict around 2.5 million tenants per year. One way you can avoid the hassle of removing tenants is by knowing how to pick a tenant screening service. But what are your options for screening services?

Background checks and similar services in San Mateo, California, can be costly if you don't shop around. Read on to learn important tips for comparing tenant screening services.

Do Your Research

Start by doing some legwork. Go through customer reviews about the companies you find online.

The more reviews, the better the track record you can expect from the company. Reading online reviews will give you details about the company that may be hard to find elsewhere.

Your online search should also include information on how long the screening service has been in business. This will tell you how well-established they are in their field. As a property manager, these details matter.

See How They Screen Tenants

There are several ways that companies can screen tenants. The best ones are the most comprehensive and rigorous.

For example, is the company FCRA-certified? These companies must follow strict government guidelines, such as notifying tenants of their rights.

You should also see how often a prospective screening company updates its criminal record database. A quality screening service should also release reports in a timely manner and complete a manual review to account for potential errors.

As you shop around, take notes about each company based on their website descriptions. Your goal is to enjoy the greatest range of services for the best price. Once you find the right company, you can be more hands-free on that aspect of renting.

Understand the Fee Structure

Landlords should consider how much tenant background checks cost. For large rental companies that process dozens of background checks per year or more, this information is even more important.

You will need to find something that works for your budget. You may not be able to afford top-tier background checks, but you also want to optimize ROI. Some companies may offer a discount for bulk screening services.

Ask to See Examples of Past Reports

Once you have established which companies offer which services and what their fees are, you may still be unsure of which company to choose. One final question that you can ask is to see an example of one of their reports.

Compare the reports to see which ones are the most user-friendly and comprehensive. Some companies upload these examples on their website. If you have questions about interpreting the forms, you can ask the screening group before hiring them.

Learn More Tips on How to Pick a Tenant Screening Service

Finding the right screening service can provide you with peace of mind while lowering the risk that you will have to evict a tenant down the road. Once you know how to pick a tenant screening service, you won't have to revisit these questions again.

Are you looking for a trusted property management group in San Mateo, California, that can handle services like tenant screening and more? At Five Star Property Management, our licensed professionals have experience in real estate, property management, property investments, and related fields.

Contact our office today so we can serve your property rental needs.
